50546890 529672867531718 106895426690482176 n

Stud Space

Realized 01.11.2017 - 23.05.2018

29 750 UAH

The "Stud Space" project was implemented on the basis of the dormitory № 5 of the Precarpathian National University.

The project was implemented by the student youth and the teaching staff of the university. The launch of the Stud Space CAMPUS took place on May 23, 2018.

The space will help to organize the leisure activities of the students, to attract young people to social activities, to create a space for the development of youth, to solve the problem of youth employment and to establish friendly relations between students of different universities.

"Stud Space" CAMPUS " function on the basis of the dormitory №5 of Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk , Sukhomlynsky St., 2.

Small 50546890 529672867531718 106895426690482176 n Small 50492048 2075156792564700 7330111965576036352 n