Camp Life Start
Realized 31.07.2024 - 01.10.2024
70 000 UAH
The Life Start Camp project was implemented during the week of 19 to 22 August 2024.
This is a motivational training camp for teenagers involved in project activities. The main focus of the project organisers is on teenagers from families of internally displaced persons, as well as young people from Ivano-Frankivsk. At the camp, the coaches worked with young people, covering many relevant topics, such as Personal Development and Self-Discovery; Developing Your Leadership Skills; Project-Related Stress; Financial Literacy, etc. Teenagers also received psychological help to cope with stress and anxiety during project activities and had some first aid training. The camp ended with a joint kayaking trip to strengthen leadership skills.
The authors of the project are participants of the UNICEF UPSHIFT youth program, who have 5 successfully implemented projects.
The funds from Urban Space 100 were used to organise and conduct the camp.
The project got partial funding from the requested amount.