On 30 October, the 29th General Meeting of the Urban Space 100 public restaurant was held. The net profit generated amounted to UAH 410,846. 8 projects received financing for the total amount of UAH 368,527.
Learn more about the supported projects:
1. Urban Xmas Radio update and the start of the Christmas season
Grant amount: UAH 39,800
In addition to updating its Christmas programming, Urban Space Radio plans to collect stories from all over Ukraine about the celebration of Christmas. They plan:
- To stimulate dialogue between different regions of Ukraine;
- To develop their educational component, including on the authentic culture and traditions of Ukraine;
- To present quality modern music to the audience.
The project aims to unite families and Ukrainians from different parts of the world, to archive Ukrainian authentic culture and traditions through a series of podcasts and updating its Christmas music playlist.
Urban Space 100’s funding will cover the costs of creating a software product, updating the music programming and promotion on social media.
2. The Circle of Care is a month of grief awareness for medical professionals
Grant amount: UAH 24,458
For the second year in a row, the authors of the project will conduct a month of training on perinatal losses for doctors. The project’s first step was to create and publish a manual for doctors dealing with perinatal losses. This was when the project received financial support from Urban Space 100 for the first time. In 2 years, the organisation distributed 1600 free printed versions of the manual, and 600 manuals were uploaded online. Last year, the Circle of Care webinar was held, after which more than 90 medical workers from different parts of Ukraine ordered printed materials to support parents. This year, the month of awareness of dealing with parents who are experiencing grief will be held again, so medical workers of the city, region and Ukraine must be again provided with a year’s supply of informational materials for when such requests arise.
The project aims to improve the quality of support for parents who have experienced a perinatal loss in medical institutions as well as to inform doctors about available support options.
Funding from Urban Space 100 will cover the costs of printing brochures, flyers and stickers.
3. Revisionist Syndrome: Soviet Ukrainian and Polish Ukrainian Avant-Garde by Kadan and Andruhovych in Tandem
Grant amount: UAH 34,500
Revision Syndrome is a project that presents the history of the Western Ukrainian avant-garde movement. In addition to the exhibition, there will be online and offline discussions about the avant-garde movement with guest researchers. Guest experts will also deliver a lecture on mental health.
The project aims to put a new perspective on the Ukrainian avant-garde — in particular, its Western-Ukrainian movement — through an exhibition curated by Nikita Kadan and a journalistic programme created by Yurii Andruhovych.
The funding from Urban Space 100 will cover the costs of design, PR management, production of exhibition windows, rental of equipment and framing of artworks.
4. Workshop: Art_learning
Grant amount: UAH 56,000
The project will help create alternative conditions for those who wish to unlock their creative potential through classes, workshops, lectures, visits to workshops, exhibitions and museums, as well as provide new opportunities for self-development through live communication. Increasing the number of people interested in modern visual art will contribute to an environment of mutual understanding and acceptance and diversify the creative potential of the city’s residents.
The project aims to discover talents hidden in every person and turn them into actual opportunities. The project will also contribute to tolerance in society and cultural diversity.
Urban Space 100’s funding will cover artist fees, art materials, printing and catering.
5. Frankivsk That Must Be Protected, restoration of the 121-year-old door at 15 Nezalezhnosti Street
Grant amount: UAH 75,000
Built in 1900, this architectural site is located in the very historic centre of the city, on the main pedestrian artery of the city called Stometrivtka, at 15 Nezalezhnosti Street. Now it is a residential building with commercial premises on the first floor (residents and businesses also financially support the restoration of the door). It used to be a burgher bank, and in 1941, the regional branch of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) was headquartered on the second floor of the building. On 14-15 September 1941, members of the leadership were arrested by the Gestapo, including Vasyl Bandera, Stepan Bandera’s brother. Learning about the history of the building, we uncover important events that took place here, all witnessed by this door.
Its current condition is poor: covered with several layers of paint (research will reveal its original colour), its lower part damaged by corrosion and partly chipped off. The door is also partially covered by a sign.
The project aims to preserve the historical heritage of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk by restoring a 121-year-old metal door at 15 Nezalezhnosti Street.
The Urban Space 100 Grant Programme will cover the costs of carpentry.
6. Crystal Tuning Fork
Grant amount: UAH 39,900
The project will contribute to the cultural activities of the city through the involvement of the general public in Ukrainian classical music through concerts of Ukrainian classical music. The concerts will take place in the hall of the Precarpathian Art Museum, as there is a quality grand piano and it has excellent acoustics. The museum space has all the conditions to host an audience even under quarantine restrictions. For greater cultural and artistic exchange, the organisers want to invite at least one performer from other cities to each concert, in order to attract people from all over Ukraine to the artistic space of Ivano-Frankivsk.
The project aims to promote Ukrainian classical music among performers and viewers.
Urban Space 100’s funding will cover guest fees and accommodation, design, printing, filming and photography, SMM costs.