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Children’s school of architecture

Realized 18.08.2016 - 20.08.2016

12 460 UAH

Today’s children will create tomorrow’s cities. On 18-20 August, twelve young Ivano-Frankivsk citizens aged 6-11 worked on the common future. Classes on architecture were given according to the authoring programs of young architects from Kharkiv NGO «Critical thinking based on their own search and study of the world experience. They already have experience of a semester course in their hometown and are going to launch a full one-year program synchronized with school education. Architectors met the children in the morning in Pavilion »78 in front of the publishing house. The first day was devoted to familiarizing with the profession. The next day the group of children met in Bukvica and the following days were devoted exclusively to design. In the evening of the third day there was a public presentation of the project in Urban Space 100 and awarding of the children. They presented such projects as the park renovation, a canopy with hammocks in the park, a chess club, a stadium with super-comfortable benches, a multi-functional pavilion, a bicycle cart with ice cream, a street school of tailors and a scene which transforms into a summer cinema. Both parents and children expressed their wish to continue the studies and complete a full one-year course.