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The Social Multiplier Project "World Full of Opportunities"

Realized 01.11.2017 - 31.12.2017

12 100 UAH

Social animation is a unique technique for in-depth study of human thoughts and experiences in order to establish communication and solve important problems. The essence of social animation is that children aged 10 to 16, different in hobbies, and social status, unite around one problem. They themselves devise a cartoon and create it. The participants create cartoons from their surroundings: from improvised materials, plasticine, colored paper, scarves from magazines, macaroni, croquettes or herbarium.

In Ivano-Frankivsk and in the oblast, this method of working with children was used for the first time.

The participants were 65 children who created 10 cartoons during 5 trainings. Children were able to demonstrate their creativity, to discover themselves from the other side, to work in a team, to learn to listen, to hear, to respect each other, to understand their internal problems, to see problems that are important for the whole society, to find the causes, consequences and ways of solving these complex situations.

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