Park under your feet
Realized 30.01.2021 - 24.04.2021
5 400 UAH
As part of the project, a 5 km long run was organized. After that, the participants sent the organizers a confirmation of the completed distance. Why did they do this? The team planted a tree for each participant who ran the distance. They planted trees all together, so the participants of the run also joined in.
Of course, everyone`s participation is very valuable. Because this is not only an opportunity to run your time usefully, but also to contribute to improving the ecology of the city. As a bonus, you had the opportunity to dedicate the name to “your tree”.
When creating the project, the authors set themselves several main tasks:
1) Draw people`s attention to deforestation in Ukraine
2) Help people fight quarantine fatigue
3) Promote the formation of people`s responsibility for the environment
4) Increase people`s motivation to do sports during quarantine
The grant program covered the costs of personal protective equipment, skin disinfectants, work equipment and tree seedlings.