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Outdoor Learning According to the Standards of the New Ukrainian School

Realized 01.02.2019 - 01.05.2019

25 500 UAH

Outdoor learning is an innovative and creative method for teaching and guiding children in the elementary school.

In February and March 2019, some aspects of outdoor learning were adapted and tested in accordance with the State Standard of the New Ukrainian School and the Standard Curriculum by R. Shyian (for Ukrainian language, foreign languages and mathematics).

This resulted in a collection of 57 tasks and exercises for preschoolers and first form pupils of the New Ukrainian School in mathematics, Ukrainian and English. All exercises can be done not only in schools with their own garden or in the wild, but also in a regular school yard.

Information on the benefits of introducing outdoor learning elements in the first form of the New Ukrainian School was disseminated among the elementary school teachers in Ivano-Frankivsk. On 20 April 2019, a workshop for educationalists from different parts of Ukraine was held, where we shared the developed methodologies and discussed the issues of implementing outdoor learning in educational institutions. The exercise collection is also available online on our website.

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